Austen, of course, wrote Pride and Prejudice almost 200 years ago, but Grahame-Smith took the liberty of adding bloodthirsty flesh-eaters to the narrative for his tome. Lionsgate will finance and distribute.
Portman will produce through her Handsomecharlie shingle with Annette Savitch, plus Darko Films' Richard Kelly, Sean McKittrick and Ted Hamm, says Variety.
The book tells the story of a woman's quest for love and independence amid the outbreak of a deadly virus that turns the undead into vicious killers.
Portman will play Elizabeth Bennet, who is distracted from her quest to eradicate the zombie menace by the arrival of Mr. Darcy.
Portman currently stars in the Jim Sheridan-directed drama Brothers. Her production company recently set up Booksmart at Fox and is partnered with Plan B at Paramount on an adaptation of the Leanne Shapton book Important Artifacts, a potential screen vehicle for Portman and Brad Pitt.
Story : http://www.hollywoodwiretap.com/?module=news&action=story&id=43298
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