The actor has recently had to fend off a series of reports he's dating his The Bounty co-star Jennifer Aniston and he has also been linked to actress Cameron Diaz But his romantic history has been marred with a series of disasters - including a woman who vomited on him and cutting his head open with a glass He says, "I've had some terrible dates. I had a girl throw up (vomit) once - I'm from Glasgow, people like to get smashed (drunk) "I went on another date and I ended up getting so drunk that I smashed a glass on my head as a joke and didn't realise my head was bleeding. Those were my crazy days "I also went on a date once and at the end the girl went to the toilet, so I went to the toilet too but when she came out she thought I'd left and went. That was a pretty abrupt end to a date."
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